The Giving Nook is a great way to give back to the community and help your neighbors. Drop off your donations anytime!
Food is due in on Sunday, December 31st. Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Youth! Please meet at the arbor on Sunday afternoon, October 22nd at 5:30 p.m. We will play volleyball and make s'mores at the fire pit! Please bring your friends so that we will have even more fun!
Lighthouse Congregations are local churches in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church that are particularly equipped to welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. If you find yourself in these circumstances, a Lighthouse Congregation may be just what you need to fulfill your desire to Remain-UMC. Consider us a resting place, with people who will care for you while providing a haven of peace and grace.
Header Position 1An early childhood music program for children ages 18 months through 4 yrs old. The program is a parent/caregiver and child experience designed to introduce children to the wonderful world of music through the use of instruments, dance, vocalizations, dramatizations and play.
We will welcome a visiting middle school choir from Trinity on the Hill UMC to participate in our 11 am worship service on Sunday, April 30th, 2023. We hope you will join us for this special treat!
You are invited to bring some flowers from your yard (or some that you have purchased) Sunday morning and add them to our flower cross in front of the church as is our tradition.
Maundy Thursday Service April 6, 2023 at 7 pm in the prayer garden or sanctuary in case of rain.
Header Position 1Waxhaw United Methodist Church will have an Ash Wednesday service on February 22nd at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. This is a special service in the Christian calendar that signals the beginning of Lent.
Project Date: Saturday, November 5th, 2022Contact Jim Howie to sign up to help and find out more details. 704-534-7958
Fixing It For Christ – Opportunity to help a neighbor
Perfect for fall grilling season, prepping for holiday foods or gifting!
Our 2022 Angel Tree is up. Gifts are due back on Sunday, December 11th.